Wednesday 26 September 2018

Omar P. Komaiha, 22, of Parkland, FL: Actuarial Science Major

Omar Komaiha, 22, of Parkland, FL, knows first-hand that taking on student debt is a financial risk. However, Omar P. Komaiha also understands those who study such risks are well positioned to pay it off after graduation.
According to a report published this week by, Actuarial Science (i.e., the formal term for the study of insurance) is the most valuable college major. Actuarial Science majors earn an average annual salary of $108,658 and have a better-than-average unemployment rate of less than 3 percent. At a time when student debt has hit an all-time record high, these graduates are less likely to incur the added expense of additional schooling and delayed earning potential. In fact, fewer than 1 in 4 Actuarial Science graduates go on to pursue advanced degrees.
"The actuarial science profession is interesting because students don't need advanced degrees to gain liveable wages, but instead are certified through a series of exams overseen by the industry's professional organizations," said a analyst. "Students typically pass one to two of these exams while in school and then go on and complete others while working, earning raises and bonuses as they pass."
The recently published report considered 162 majors with labor a force of at least 15,000 people. Additionally, the study was based on average annual income, employment status, as well as whether those graduates went on to pursue a higher degree within 12 months. Income accounted for 70 percent of the weighted ranking, unemployment for 20 percent, and career paths that did not demand additional education for 10 percent. Omar P. Komaiha, 22, of Parkland, FL, is an Actuarial Science major at Florida State University.

Omar Komaiha: Growing Up in Parkland

FSU student Omar Komaiha is nearing college graduation—and is looking forward to beginning his career in the actuarial science field. Or...